UGGGY in conversation with DOG DADDY

Why are you releasing TINY LITTLE CAPSULES on tape cassette?

Tape is for the people, and the younger me. You can control time and even rewrite aural history. 

Why is the lyric sheet included in the form of a scroll?

The lyrics are the prescribed dopeness. They may vary in shape but we assure (you) it is the same medication you’ve been taking.

How does presentation figure into your full artistic vision? does the visual element relate to your experience as a cook and chef?

The industry is heading towards jingles and hooks more than ever. Like processing music down to nugget form. I wanted to get away from the single and give a more blossoming approach.I used to chop it up on the line. Watching your hands create a little bit of beauty on the plate for each diner, (to make them) feel cared for. You don’t forget that lesson in humility. I think.

Why beats on the b side?

This project was very much about what I do alone in the room, set into a trip hop cast (…) vocals are a big part of that.  Sometimes though, the beats themselves were talking to me saying things I think were meant for other people.

 How did you get into this trucking job?

I really love songs about roads “on the road again” “king of the road”  “drive” so I thought getting time in the big rig, my little rolling cabin on the highway, would be a good place to listen to those songs.

How does skateboarding influence your music and art?

Skateboarding is the closest I ever got to being a drummer. Music is very cerebral, but in skating thinking too much can cause injury and second-guessing. Both seek to experience ephemeral beauty … or just getting pitted for the sake of it.

 What kind of classical guitar projects would be a dream come true for you?

My relationship to classical guitar probably edges closer to something spiritual than something formal. I would like to play in a room with comfortable chairs and extend the mood and woosh feelings around

Let’s talk about solid state electronics and playing guitars thru boomboxes for a second.

I used to use a broken boombox as an amp. During my big guitar solo I would dramatically extend the antenna and tune around the AM band in and out of stations and static. Mixed reviews. Great times

What is your first memory of Parkdale?

My first memory of Parkdale is before i really knew its name. I think we were running around with a boombox listening to Rick James, leaving (playing) cards in (sacred) places of importance, it felt like the city was our backyard. Gnarly hangovers though.

Do you consider the current rap scenes in TO to be healthy/diverse/vibrant?

The current rap scene in the city is divided basically by cypher//backpack style spitters and condo trappers. There is a lot of true artistic talent (lurking) in the shadows, though. Shout out Eyeda Sophia , KG, Lincoln Woods, illa-B,  T-bai and others, for real!

Would you ever consider a 5G upgrade?

 I have certain contractual obligations with certain entities I can’t discuss at this time.

Other than rappage, what if any elements of Valued Customer carry over in your current projects?

The Freak Out band that was Valued Customer let me work out a lot of what I did and didn’t want to keep with me. Rippin’ guitar solos are a must. Odd time signatures are a plus. Clothing should be flared and powerful.

When are you gonna come check out the west coast?

All I can say is “big tingz comin” 

How would you describe the experience of getting older?

Hmm. I try to avoid anthro-centric (human perspective) in my thinking about stuff like this… I’d say time is a web not a single line. You can move towards things you like, or away from things you do not like.

How would you imagine the ideal situation of having diverse income streams and making money from all of the different kinds of art you create?

My creative mind is a penny wheel. Is that what they call those fans with the pretty colors in gardens? I hope to use art like a farmer. Offering the past harvest while nourishing the next crop in the quiet hours. Myriad creations.

What does music do to/for you?

Music is music man. 
The place where all the bullshit melts away. 

What would be the ideal small combo live band to present/ tour your music?

I picture a small jazz influenced combo playing hip hop, with sit in soloists and maybe just a nice beautiful person too, on stage just feeling the music. 

How can people order their cassette copies of TINY LITTLE CAPSULES?

No deadlines, no bullshit,
the perfect misnomer 


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